Christian Entrepreneurship
Whether you starting a secular business or a Faith Based business or Organization (Ministry)
it’s all about aligning your vision with God’s purpose for your life.

Finding the Right Business Idea Through Prayer and Discernment
Starting a business is an exciting journey, but for Christian entrepreneurs, it goes beyond just finding a profitable idea—it’s about …

5 Key Biblical Principles for Successful Entrepreneurship
The Bible is a timeless source of wisdom, offering guidance on many aspects of life, including business and entrepreneurship. As …

Incorporating Tithing into Your Business Practices
Tithing, the practice of giving a portion of one’s income to the church or charitable causes, is a deeply rooted …

Building a Business Based on Biblical Principles
Starting a business can be an exciting and challenging venture, biblical principles provide a solid foundation for ethical, responsible, and …

Fundraising Ideas For Faith Based Nonprofits That Align With Your Mission
Running a Christian nonprofit is an incredible opportunity to serve others and fulfill God’s calling. However, one of the biggest …

Starting A Faith Based Nonprofit
Starting a Christian Ministry can be an exciting and rewarding way to serve the Lord and impact the lives of …

The Different Types of Faith Based Organizations
In the United States, Christian faith-based organizations (FBOs) come in various forms, each serving different needs and communities. Here are …

Overcoming Obstacles in Faith-Based Nonprofit Leadership
Leading a faith-based nonprofit comes with unique challenges that require a blend of practical strategies and spiritual resilience. Faith-based nonprofit …
Spiritual Living...

Embracing a New Season: A Second Chance to Pursue God’s Vision and Purpose
Life is full of seasons. Some are marked by growth and success, while others feel like wilderness experiences filled with …

The Spirit Filled Life
The Spirit-filled life means to live in oneness with God, Romans 8:24 says all who are led by the Spirit …

A Life Worthy of the Gospel..
The Bible always stresses a balance between the content of one’s beliefs and the resulting conduct in one’s life. A …

Vision and Destiny..
Whenever God has sought to accomplish something in the earth for the sake of His Kingdom, He has always chosen …