Health & Wellness

Health and Wellness

God’s Dietary Laws a Blueprint for Health and Healing

Sometimes it takes for our health to take a downturn before we quickly begin to question our eating habits and diet. Yet the solution is simple if you look at it from a biblical perspective. The Bible says in Proverbs 3: 1-2 not forget God’s …

Was Daniel Of The Bible The First Vegan?

The Daniel Fast is based on the prophet Daniel’s fasting experiences as recorded in the Bible. The concept of Daniel Fast comes from Daniel 1:8-14 (NIV), “But Daniel resolved not to defile himself with the royal food and wine, and he asked the chief official …

Plant-Based Alternatives To Toxic Chemical Pesticides

These are simple recipes for effective natural pesticides. Applied to gardens, they can replace toxic, commercial brands that can produce harmful health and environmental side effects. These pest controls must be applied at least once a week, and twice if it rains. Hot Pepper Solution …

The Healing Power of Yoga

The question that always ran through my mind when I heard the word Yoga is …

The Health Benefits Of Lemons

Lemon juice is one of my favorite juices to have first thing in the morning …

The Nutrient Benefits of Whole Grains

Brief Overview: Whole grains are apart of the Plant-based diet, Whole Grains Were Often Eaten …

How to Cook Whole Grains

Cooking Whole Grains Compared to refined or “white” grains, whole grains are usually chewier and …