Planning Your WordPress Site


Planning is the most important part of setting up a blog, website or online store. Content is the hardest, most time-consuming part of any Website or blog development project. Planning your blog content in advance helps you ensure each piece of content you publish will help you reach your marketing goals. Start by preparing a  few starter blog articles.

You should prepare an about me page and any other information pertaining to your blog or business website you would like to make known. Site policies and privacy notices should also be apart of your plan. In addition, you should also do  the following:

  • Gather up all the photos, clip art, brochures, logo images, and written articles.
  • Decide on the colors you want to use for your site.
  • Make a detailed outline of the additional information you need to obtain.
  • List the URL address of any websites you would like to link to in your articles.
  • Jot down the Url address to any Youtube videos you would like to include in your post.
  • Decide what categories you will use to organize your site if it applies.
  • Layout a sample of your site navigation menu.

The Navigation Menu:

The site’s navigation system is like a road map to all the different areas and information contained within your site and provides a clear, simple path to all the web pages from anywhere on the website.

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