Starting a Women’s Ministry

Starting a Christian women’s ministry that includes Bible study and other activities can be a fulfilling and spiritually enriching endeavor. Prayer is the starting place it’s the foundation. Bring your desire for a women’s ministry to the Lord. Pray for wisdom and insight. Here’s are a few tips on how to organize a women’s ministry:

1. Define Your Purpose and Vision:

  • Begin by clarifying the purpose and vision of your women’s ministry. What are your goals? What do you hope to achieve through this ministry? Define the values and principles that will guide your group.

2. Assemble a Leadership Team:

  • Recruit dedicated and passionate individuals to serve on the leadership team. This team will be responsible for planning and organizing ministry activities.

3. Choose a Meeting Schedule:

  • Determine how often your group will meet. Many women’s ministries meet weekly or bi-weekly for Bible study sessions and then have monthly or quarterly gatherings for other activities.

4. Select a Bible Study Curriculum:

  • Choose a Bible study curriculum that aligns with the goals and interests of your group. Ensure it is suitable for women and encourages spiritual growth and discussion.

5. Host Bible Study Sessions:

  • Organize regular Bible study sessions. These can be held in homes, at a church, or even online through video conferencing platforms. Encourage open discussions and create a welcoming and supportive environment for participants.

6. Plan Additional Activities:

  • Beyond Bible study, plan a variety of activities that foster fellowship, personal growth, and service. These could include:
    • Retreats or conferences focused on spiritual renewal.
    • Service projects that allow women to give back to the community.
    • Workshops and seminars on relevant topics like parenting, marriage, or personal development.
    • Social gatherings, such as potluck dinners, game nights, or movie nights.
    • Prayer groups or prayer circles for women to share their concerns and support each other in prayer.

7. Promote Communication:

  • Establish effective communication channels to keep members informed about upcoming events and activities. This could include email newsletters, a website, social media, or a group messaging app.

8. Seek Feedback:

  • Regularly solicit feedback from participants to understand their needs and preferences. This will help you tailor the ministry to better serve the women involved.

9. Encourage Small Groups:

  • Consider dividing your women’s ministry into smaller groups or “small circles” for more intimate and focused discussions and relationships.

10. Cultivate a Supportive Community:

  • Foster an atmosphere of love, trust, and support. Encourage women to share their joys and struggles, pray for each other, and build meaningful connections.

11. Evaluate and Adapt:

  • Periodically assess the effectiveness of your ministry by reviewing your goals and progress. Adapt your activities and strategies as needed to better meet the spiritual and social needs of your members.

12. Pray Together:

  • Begin and end each meeting or activity with prayer, seeking God’s guidance and blessings for your ministry and its participants.

Remember that the success of your Christian women’s ministry will depend on building a strong sense of community, spiritual growth, and a supportive environment where women can grow in their faith and relationships with one another.

What is Salvation?

To put things in perceptive lets start at the beginning, when we are born into the world we are unaware of God and what he desires of us, therefore we are were are born into darkness. Until we come into the knowledge of who God  is and what he has done for us we will continue to live in darkness also known as sin. And sin is what separates mankind from God.

Do we all Sin?:
Yes, sin is the deliberate disobedience to the known will of God. You can not live your life the way God intended unless you know who God is and His desire for your life. The  scriptures tell us – there is none righteous, not even one; It says all of us are like sheep which have gone astray, each of us has turned to his own way.. Isaiah 53:6a. 

The power of sin leads us into all the different problems that exit in this world,  addictions, broken marriages, feelings of hopelessness out of fellowship with God etc. The wages of sin is death Romans 6:23.

The Remedy

God in his mercy-delivered us out of the power of darkness (sin) , and translated us into the kingdom of the Son of his love; (Jesus) in whom we have redemption, the forgiveness of our sins: Colossians 1:13; 14

What is Salvation ?

Salvation is the deliverance from the power and penalty of sin;the saving of man from a state of sinfulness which leads to death and restoring him to honor, worth, reputation and right standing with God. Jesus Christ is our salvation , he died for the sins of mankind [the] just as well as [the] unjust, so that He might bring us to God,..” 1 Peter3:18a

When you accept Christ into your life you become born again. It is the day of new beginnings! 2 Corinthians 5:17 says Therefore if any man be in Christ, -( meaning any man who believes in Christ- any man  who follows after Christ) [he is] a new creation – old things have passed away;and behold, all things have become new.”

Know that salvation was brought with a price the precious blood of Jesus Christ. He voluntarily died on that cross for you and I, rose the third day and because he lives we live to life and life more abundantly..

God Has a Wonderful Plan for your Life:
But sin separates us from that plan and as long as we are separated from Him he cannot fulfill the plans he has for our lives. Salvation is God’s way of setting in order His plans and purposes for our lives so that we will be able to receive it!

Jeremiah 29:11 says I know the plans I have for you for good and not for evil to give you a hope and a future. Without salvation we would be separated from God forever, we would be like sheep gone astray with out God, with out hope and doomed to spiritual death through out eternity.

Ask yourself this question can you stand eternal separation? Do you want to be apart from God? Do you want to live in hell forever? The bible describes hell as a place of eternal torment. It is not God’s desire to see us perish but have everlasting life and to live with him through out eternity.

How do we receive Salvation?

It is a simple process- and it can only come through Jesus Christ:

John 1:12 says: But as many as received Him, to them He gave the right
to become children of God, [even] to those who believe in His name,…”

The first step to receiving salvation is:

#1 You must fist acknowledge that you are a sinner.

1jo 1:9 says – If we would just confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.

#2 You must believe that Jesus died for your sins and rose the third day and is now seated on the right hand of God
interceding on your behalf. #3 You must invite Him into your heart by faith.

That is all it takes to receive salvation.

Romans 10:9- 10 – if thou shall confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shallbelieve in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shall be saved. For with the heart man believe unto righteousness and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation.

Let us pray the Pray of Salvation Together:
Lord Jesus, I acknowledge I am a sinner and need Your forgiveness. I believe Jesus died on the cross for me. I now turn from my sins and ask You to forgive me. I invite You into my heart by faith take control of my life and have your way in it ,I trust You as my Savior and will follow . Thank You for saving me. Amen.”

Now you need to get into a bible teaching church because the decision you have made today is the first day in the beginning of a new life for you. In order to walk and grow in your new life you will need to learn the word of God for every circumstance in your life and in doing so you will be blessed!

Starting A Clown Ministry

Clowning” for many people goes hand-in-hand with happiness and laughter. Clowns add color and enjoyment to parades, community events, and promotional activities. People of all ages and walks of life love clowns. Clowns are great attention-getters. A clown ministry is an incredible asset to any church or event. They add fun and excitement to even the most ordinary event.

If you have the desire to start clown ministry, begin by asking God to show you the direction he wants you to go. “Whatever you do, do it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for men…”Colossians 3:23

Begin reading the Bible through different eyes see the Bible characters as real people. Put together several skits, a good place to start is to use the parables of Jesus which in itself the telling of a story and a good starting format.

As you prepare your gospel clowning skits, make sure that you are giving your best to the Lord. Be the very best clown you can be. For your “clown” message to be effective it must glorify the Lord and convey a biblical message, from scripture.

A gospel clown ministry is a unique and engaging way to share the message of the Gospel through humor, storytelling, and visual performance. Here are several ideas on how you can effectively utilize a gospel clown ministry:

1. Children’s Ministry

  • Sunday School Programs: Use clowning to teach Bible stories and principles in a fun and memorable way.
  • Vacation Bible School (VBS): Incorporate clown acts into the VBS curriculum to keep children engaged and excited about learning.

2. Outreach Events

  • Community Festivals: Perform at local events to draw in crowds and share the Gospel with those who might not attend church.
  • Hospital Visits: Bring joy and hope to children in hospitals by performing skits and sharing messages of love and faith.
  • Nursing Homes: Provide entertainment and encouragement to the elderly through light-hearted performances and personal interaction.

3. Church Services and Events

  • Special Services: Use clown ministry during special church services like Easter, Christmas, or Children’s Day to deliver unique and impactful messages.
  • Church Picnics: Perform at church social events to entertain and build community among church members.

4. Missions and Evangelism

  • Mission Trips: Incorporate clown ministry into mission work to connect with children and families in different cultures.
  • Street Evangelism: Use clowning as an icebreaker to start conversations and share the Gospel on the streets.

5. Workshops and Training

  • Clowning Workshops: Conduct workshops to teach others how to use clowning in ministry, spreading the reach and impact of your ministry.
  • Team Building: Use clowning activities to build camaraderie and teamwork among church volunteers and staff.

6. Multimedia

  • Videos and Social Media: Create video content featuring gospel clowning for online platforms to reach a broader audience.
  • Books and Resources: Write books or create instructional materials on how to start and run a gospel clown ministry.

7. Seasonal and Themed Performances

  • Holiday Shows: Develop performances centered around holidays like Christmas, Easter, and Thanksgiving, with messages relevant to those occasions.
  • Themed Skits: Create skits that focus on specific Biblical themes or stories, such as parables of Jesus, the fruits of the Spirit, or the Beatitudes.

Tips for Success:

  • Be Respectful: Always approach clowning with respect for the audience and the message, ensuring that humor is appropriate and edifying.
  • Be Creative: Use a variety of props, costumes, and routines to keep performances fresh and engaging.
  • Be Relatable: Tailor your message to your audience, whether it’s children, adults, or seniors, making sure it’s understandable and relevant.
  • Be Prepared: Practice thoroughly and be ready to adapt to different environments and audience reactions.
  • Be Compassionate: Show genuine care and concern for your audience, using your platform to uplift and encourage.

By integrating these ideas, a gospel clown ministry can become a powerful tool for evangelism, education, and entertainment, making the Gospel message accessible and enjoyable for all ages.

The Spirit Filled Life

The Spirit-filled life means to live in oneness with God, Romans 8:24 says all who are led by the Spirit of God are sons of God. The Bible always stresses a balance between the content of one’s beliefs and the resulting conduct in one’s life. As Christians, believers, and followers of Jesus Christ, we are told to live our lives being led by the spirit.

A good example is found in Ephesians 4:1-3. “I, therefore, the prisoner for the Lord, urge you to live worthily of the calling with which you have been called, with all humility and gentleness, with patience, bearing with one another in love, making every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace”.

Living a Life Worthy Of Your Calling

Paul admonishes us to live worthy of the calling with which you have been called. He means that we must live a life worthy of our high calling in Christ Jesus.

Our practice should equal the teachings of our doctrine (a belief or set of Bible beliefs held and taught by a Church Leader). We should take great pains to see that our lives are lived in perfect balance. The Biblical principle for living the Christian life is quite simply stated: The believer puts into daily practice the principles of the Word of God by the presence and power of the Holy Spirit.

How can a Christian live a life worthy of the Gospel of Jesus Christ if he does not know what the Christian life is all about?

The Christian life is not the same thing as the culturally accepted norms of today’s society. Anything and everything is going. The world is living in opposition to the Christian way of living. At the same time, we must never detach the importance of putting into practice what we understand to be true.

In 1 John 2:15-17 we are told to 15 not love the world or anything in the world. If anyone loves the world, love for the Father[a] is not in them. 16 For everything in the world-the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life—comes not from the Father but from the world. 17 The world and its desires pass away, but whoever does the will of God lives forever!

In order to live a balanced Christian life, there must be good sound Biblical teaching. A mature Christian has a good understanding of the teaching of the Word of God and has a healthy prayer life.

The bible says ye are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a peculiar people; that ye should shew forth the praises of him who hath called you out of darkness into his marvelous light; 1 Peter 2:9

The New Birth

We were once spiritually bankrupt, emotionally in bondage, and morally corrupt. However, when we were saved or born again God awakened us to a new life and gave us the power to live that new life. We are now spiritually alive in Him!

God, being rich in mercy, because of his great love with which he loved us, even though we were dead in transgressions,(sin) He made us alive together with Christ – by grace you are saved! (Eph. 2:5 ) The apostle Paul wrote, Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new. (2 Cor 5:17 )

The Spirit-filled believer is a Spirit-controlled person whose purpose and calling is to be more like Jesus. Jesus says take my yoke on you and learn from me because I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls (Matt. 11:29). Blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the earth (Matt. 5:5 ). Meek means to have a gentle and quiet spirit, bearing with one another in love.

Walking in Love

As Spiritually led Christians we are to walk in love, the first call of love is to Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength. Mark 12:30.

How we respond to the unloving behavior of other Christians toward us. Paul suggests here, to make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace? (v. 3)Paul is saying the Holy Spirit has already given us this unity when we put our faith in Christ.

We are not called upon to create this unity, but to “keep the unity. Pride destroys this unity in the Spirit. Overpowering self-assertion destroys vital relationships with other believers.

Being short-tempered, rude, and non-extending our love to those who act ugly to us destroys all efforts at keeping this unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace.

Paul tells us not to grieve the Holy Spirit through anger. The word grieve means to pain, to hurt, to cause sorrow. When the Christian allows anger and bitterness to infect his life, God is hurt. The indwelling Holy Spirit is affected by the attitude of the Christian. Ephesians 4:29-32

Let’s be determined to walk in this Spiritual Journey in the Spirit of Love and keep ourselves under his control.

How Do You Know if You Are Walking in Love?

Corinthians 13:4-8 saysLove is patient love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. Love never fails.

How to Reconcile The Gnucash Checking Account

GnuCash Tutorial: How To Reconcile The GnuCash Checking Account

It is very important that everything you enter into GnuCash balances with your bank checking account statements. Reconciling your GnuCash account simply means you are matching the income and expense transactions you entered into GnuCash against your business banking checking account for accuracy. Reconciling your accounts’ helps you catch any discrepancies between your GnuCash business transactions data and your business banking account monthly statements.

By Double-checking, your businesses financial accounting records each month, it will give you a better understanding of your transactions such as uncashed checks and undeposited amounts owed to you from third parties. 

Entering Credit Card Transactions In GnuCash

Managing Credit Card Accounts In GnuCash 5.0 Updated

In the tutorial, you will learn how to manage a credit card account in GnuCash to keep track of all your business credit card expenditures.

It is not uncommon to use a credit card for some of your business transactions after all a credit card account is like a short-term loan that comes in handy when you have a business, but then you .eventually have to pay back the money, often with interest. Credit card transactions are a liability because it is money you owe. In GnuCash The purchases you make with a credit card are classified as expenses.

You have a couple of options when entering credit card transactions. The simplest method is to only track monthly payments to the credit card company.

This method only requires you have a checking account, a credit card liability account, and a credit card expense account.

The obvious limitation of this simple credit card setup is that you cannot see where your money is going. And since you are tracking business expenses you want to be as transparent as possible, when it comes down to your business expenses. If not for yourself for tax purposes.

How To Enter A Split Transaction in GnuCash

GnuCash Tutorials: 5.0 – How To Enter Split Transactions In GnuCash

In GnuCash, a “split transaction” refers to a single transaction where the total amount is distributed across multiple accounts, meaning you can allocate parts of the same payment to different categories or subcategories within your finances, effectively dividing a single transaction into multiple smaller ones for better tracking.

Entering A Simple Transaction in GnuCash

Gnucash Tutorial 5.0: How to Enter Cash Transactions

There are couple of ways to manually enter GnuCash transactions, Simple and Split transactions. In this tutorial we will enter a simple transaction, what makes it a simple transaction is that it will only involve two accounts in chart accounts. We will begin with entering the the equity opening balance account since that should be the first transaction you enter into the chart of accounting.

How To Change The Accounting Period in GnuCash

How To Change The Accounting Period in GnuCash

You are required by the IRS to select your accounting period for reporting profit and loss. For IRS purposes, a “tax year” is an annual specified period of time for keeping your business records and reporting income and expenses.

Two methods used for an accounting period and approved by the IRs are.

  • A Calendar year – 12 consecutive months beginning January 1 and ending December 31.
  • A fiscal year’ which does not start on Jan1 and necessarily end on Dec31.

For most small businesses, their accounting period will be based on the calendar year, 12 consecutive months beginning January 1 and ending December 31.

In this tutorial I will show you how to change the accounting period if you need too. By default GnuCash accounting period is set to display your records based on a standard year accounting period, based on the current year you are in.

Tour Of The GnuCash Interface

GnuCash 5.0: Tour of the GnuCash Interface

In this GnuCash quick start tutorial, you will get a basic tour of the GnuCash interface, so that you can become familiar with the layout, and how things work.