Make Money Publishing Kindle e-books

Create and sell Kindle ebooks for amazon kindle and join the hundreds of thousands of writers making money selling kindle books. For fiction and nonfiction authors alike, publishing on Kindle is a valuable opportunity that shouldn’t be overlooked.

You can Self-publish eBooks and paperbacks for free by converting your books into electronic format with the Kindle Direct Publishing self-publishing tool. And you can sell them in the Amazon Kindle store and reach millions of readers on Amazon.

You can get your books to the market quickly and easily. Simply upload your content, enter the sales copy and pricing information, and in less than 5 minutes your book appears on Kindle stores worldwide within 24-48 hours.

And the royalty rates are great, you can earn up to 70% ebook royalties. Only there is one catch The royalty rate you get paid from Amazon for eBooks is 70% of the retail price if the price of your eBook is between $2.99 and $9.99. If your book is priced between $0.01 and $2.98 or greater than $9.99, you get paid 35% royalties.

On the upside according to Amazon’s 2019 review of its Kindle sales, there are thousands of self-published authors taking home royalties of over $50,000, while more than a thousand hit six-figure salaries from their book sales in 2018. What are you waiting for head over to the kindle direct publishing and begin earning money!

Publish And Sell E-books Online

Indie authors are becoming overnight sensations in the New York Times and USA Today, on Amazon, and everywhere e-books are sold, proving there’s no longer a stigma to self-publishing. Publishing your own ebook has never been easier!

How would you like to have the title of ‘author’ added to your name without going through the difficulty of book publishing? With the technology of e-books, you could make money by writing your own books and selling them online.

Benefits of Creating E-books:

There are so many ebooks available on the market today, covering every imaginable topic and catering to a different audience. In some genres, self-published e-books even outsell those from traditional publishers, because readers are looking for fresh new authors and stories that aren’t written using a formula. If you’re in business, an e-book can be your new business card and play an important part in your content marketing plans.

Popular Ebook Genres

Nonfiction books with a well-defined topic and a nice hook to them can do well, especially if they have a target audience that you can focus on. Religious books are a perfect case in point. Some genres such as fiction do better than others. Indie romance/erotica novels, for instance, have thrived in the e-book arena.

How-to information offers important assistance on learning a new skill, enhance existing knowledge or provide an innovative approach to doing certain things. It can cover different topics such as cars, bookkeeping, playing the piano, cooking, learning a new language, attracting women and so much more.

What Makes a Good ebook Publisher?

If you can use a word processor, have a book written—or have an idea for one—and want to see your name in print, you just might have what it takes to succeed in self-publishing E-books. A flair for writing is desirable or you feel you can share expert advice and information on a specific field. But of course, not any ebook will do. You will want to come up with one that will best appeal to your target audience.

What Is An Ebook?

E-books, as the name implies, are simply electronic books that can be compiled with special software and read on a personal computer (PC) or an electronic device designed specifically for reading e-books (e-book reader). E-book readers are becoming more and more common.

Ebook Formats

 Two of the most popular today are the Amazon Kindle and the Sony Reader line. Unfortunately, the two different brands don’t read the same kinds of e-books. The first thing a person should do is figure out what formats an e-reader device supports. For more detailed information please the Mobile Read Ebook Formats wiki.

Popular e-book formats :

EUB = Nook, Sony PRS, Ipad, and etc…

MOBI/PRC = Amazon Kindle and the Cybook

An ePub is, essentially, a small self -contained, pre-packaged website. There are a few abbreviations associated with creating EPUBs. IDPF is the Trade and Standards Organization, for the digital publishing industry. The focus for this tutorial the abbreviations associated with EPUB and Kindle in general. EPUB is a combination of two words electronic and publication.

With the Kindle, we’ve got MOBI. Which is a shortening of Mobipocket. And that’s a format for the earlier Kindle devices, such as the E Ink and Paperwhite technology devices. It’s a subset of EPUB itself. It just has extra features built-in. As does the newer KF8 format, Kindle Fire 8. And that’s the newer, glossier, full-color devices.

You might also hear mention of AZW. That’s the very early device format which is DRM or Digital Rights Management free. And that’s essentially what Mobi and KF8 have built into them. They’ve got DRM technology built in to prevent unauthorized sharing and so on. KDP is Kindle Direct Publishing.

Ebook-formats For Kindle Devices

The following formats are applicable to publishing to Kindle devices, and why you’d use them. We’ve got two formats in practical terms. We have EPUB2, which is repackaged as the Mobi7 format on Kindle, and that’s supported by all Kindle devices.

And then we have the newer EPUB3, some people call it the fixed-layout format, which can be republished in the KF8 format. But that only works on the newer devices. If you’re writing a novel or a piece of text with supporting images or figures, then EPUB2 is for you, it’s also the easiest of the two to deal with, plus, of course, you have the potentially larger audience with both kinds of devices.

If you’re looking at a fixed layout publication, then your only choice is EPUB3. which is good for graphical in terms of layout like a book with a lot of pictures such as a children’s book.



Ebooks In High Demand

Ebooks or electronic/digital books are easily the most common and in-demand type of information products available today. This is probably because it is the easiest and cheapest of information product you can sell and buy. There are so many ebooks available on the market today, covering every imaginable topic and catering to different audiences.

If you have a flair for writing or you feel you can be able to share expert advice and information on a specific field, you can consider creating your own ebook and sell it in the market. You will want to come up with one that will best appeal to your target audience. Information marketing is one of the most rewarding businesses available today, with very little or no money required to get started. Below are the most popular and highly in-demand products in the market today!

How To Information:

This type of ebook offers important assistance on learning a new skill, enhance existing knowledge or provide an innovative approach to doing certain things. If you plan on creating a how-to ebook, you should first take time to study your target audience and find out what are the most significant concerns/issues/problems and create content that will be able to provide a solution to that problem. In order to do that, you will need to conduct extensive study on your market and determine how you can effectively position your information product to be regarded as the ultimate solution to the problem.

Making Money Info

Another type of ebook is one that is geared towards offering information on how to make money. Most people, if not all are always interested in new ways of generating new income streams. If you have discovered how to make it big and rake in a serious amount of money doing something, then you might want to write about it and share your expertise.

Money-Saving Info

Aside from making money, people are generally interested in how to save money. Well, it actually makes total sense, right? No matter how much money you make, you will eventually exhaust your resources, sooner or later. With so many people facing debt problems, debt issues, every penny counts – which means, an ebook on saving one, whether it is on learning how to get better gas mileage or maximizing grocery coupons, can prove to be highly interesting.

Health And Fitness

With the growing prevalence of fatal and life-altering diseases, a lot of people have grown more concerned about their health and general well-being. This type of ebook covers various topics such as weight loss, natural remedies, and muscle gain. Through the years, there will always be a great market for these information products.


These types of ebooks focus on providing relationship advice, such as dealing with a divorce or getting back with an ex. There has been a growing demand for books that tackle gaining self-confidence, dealing with stress, and becoming a better person as well as training and skills improvement

Travel and Lifestyle Guides

There will always be a constant demand for books that provide information on a certain area, city or country. If you are confident you will be able to provide valuable information on a certain place, why not create an ebook to provide information and insider knowledge about the place focusing on specific topics, tourists and visitors are most likely interested to know.

Whether people are genuinely interested in acquiring a new skill or trying to save money by doing things on their own, more and more people seek online resources on enhancing knowledge and improving a certain skill.

Places to Sell e-books Online

You can sell your e-books through Online e-book retailers or through your own website. Some popular e-book sellers are:


Apply to the iTunes book’s account program. The service only accepts the epub format (and multi-touch).  ISBN is recommended but not required for any book you are offering on the iBooks Store. An ISBN uniquely identifies the book and its current edition and helps you to ensure that you are marketing the right book. The ISBN is also required for reporting your book’s sales to industry reporting agencies and charting organizations.

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Amazon Kindle

Amazon accepts epub format, independently publish with Kindle Direct Publishing to reach millions of readers. Get to market fast. Publishing takes less than 5 minutes and your book appears on Kindle stores worldwide within 24-48 hours. Make more money. Earn up to 70% royalty on sales to customers in the US, Canada, UK, Germany, India, France, Italy, Spain, Japan, Brazil, Mexico, Australia and more. Enroll in KDP Select and earn more money through Kindle Unlimited and the Kindle Owners’ Lending Library.Keep control. Keep control of your rights and set your own list prices. Make changes to your books at any time.

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Google Books 

Promote your books on Google—for free. Apply to the partner program. Submit the epub and pdf version (up to 250MB file size). No ISBN required, google will assign one after upload.

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Nook (Barnes and Noble)

Publish your book on the popular NOOK eReader and your book will share virtual shelf space with the latest New York Times’ bestsellers, Pulitzer Prize winners, and time-honored classics.

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Sell From Your Website

You can always sell your PDF ebook from your own website. There are many different free e-commerce programs you can use to set up your own online store.

Which will mean you will no longer be splitting the profits with ebook vendors. Another positive of selling from your own site though is that you can set up your own affiliate program. This means that you can offer a commission to Internet users who are will to help you sell your book.

While this still means you will be splitting the profit once again, it also means that you’ll have the opportunity to recruit hundreds of people interest in helping you to sell your book on commission. Which in turn, can result in you selling countless copies that you wouldn’t have otherwise sold.

The downside about selling the books on your own is you’re vulnerable to pirating. And it means you may not have access to the large audience that you would have through the large ebook vendors.