How To Make Money Publishing E-books Online

Indie authors are becoming overnight sensations in the New York Times and USA Today, on Amazon, and everywhere e-books are sold, proving there’s no longer a stigma to self-publishing. Publishing your own ebook has never been easier and more profitable!

How would you like to have the title of ‘author’ added to your name without going through the difficulty of book publishing? With the technology of e-books, you could make money by writing your own books and selling them online.

What Is An Ebook?

E-books, as the name implies, are simply electronic books that can be compiled with special software and read on a personal computer (PC) or an electronic device designed specifically for reading e-books (e-book reader). E-book readers are becoming more and more common.

Benefits of Creating E-books:

There are so many ebooks available on the market today, covering every imaginable topic and catering to a different audience. In some genres, self-published e-books even outsell those from traditional publishers, because readers are looking for fresh new authors and stories that aren’t written using a formula. If you’re in business, an e-book can be your new business card and play an important part in your content marketing plans.

What Makes a Good ebook Publisher?

If you can use a word processor, have a book written—or have an idea for one—and want to see your name in print, you just might have what it takes to succeed in self-publishing E-books. A flair for writing is desirable or you feel you can share expert advice and information on a specific field. But of course, not any ebook will do. You will want to come up with one that will best appeal to your target audience.

Starting an ebook business online can be a profitable venture, especially when done strategically. Here are the key steps to launching your ebook business:

1. Choose Your Niche

  • Identify your target audience: Select a niche that you are passionate about and knowledgeable in. Some successful niches include personal development, entrepreneurship, faith-based content, health, or niche hobbies.
  • Research market demand: Use tools like Google Trends, Amazon Kindle Bestsellers, and keyword research tools to discover high-demand ebook topics.

2. Create or Source Your Ebook Content

  • Write your own ebook: If you are an expert or have experience in your chosen niche, write an ebook that offers value, practical advice, or solves a problem.
  • Hire a ghostwriter: If writing isn’t your strength, hire a freelance writer to create the content based on your ideas.
  • Use public domain content: Some entrepreneurs repackage content from public domain sources and make it more accessible or up-to-date.

Tips for writing a good ebook:

  • Focus on solving a specific problem for your audience.
  • Ensure the ebook is engaging, well-structured, and formatted for easy reading.
  • Keep the content practical, especially in areas like business or personal development.

3. Format the Ebook

  • Use tools like Microsoft Word, Google Docs, or Scrivener to write and format your ebook.
  • Convert it to popular formats like PDF, EPUB, or MOBI using tools like Calibre or Kindle Create (for Amazon Kindle).
  • Ensure the design is visually appealing, especially with a good cover, as first impressions matter. You can create a professional-looking cover using tools like Canva or hire a designer from platforms like Fiverr or 99designs.

4. Set Up Your Website or Platform

  • Create your own website: You can use platforms like WordPress or Shopify to create an ebook storefront where you can sell directly to customers.
  • Join an existing platform: Many entrepreneurs use established ebook marketplaces such as Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP), Apple Books, Gumroad, or Etsy.
  • Set up a payment processor: If selling on your own site, integrate payment processors like PayPal, Stripe, or Square to handle transactions.

5. Price Your Ebook

  • Research the average prices of ebooks in your niche to stay competitive.
  • Consider offering tiered pricing, bundles, or discounts for multiple purchases.
  • Experiment with pricing to see what works best for your audience (lower prices may attract more readers, but premium pricing can signal higher value).

6. Market Your Ebook

  • Social Media: Use platforms like Instagram, Facebook, Pinterest, and LinkedIn to promote your ebook and engage with your audience.
  • Email marketing: Build an email list and nurture it with valuable content, then promote your ebook to your subscribers. Tools like Mailchimp or ConvertKit are ideal for email campaigns.
  • Content marketing: Write blog posts, create videos, or host podcasts around topics related to your ebook. Optimize your content for SEO to attract organic traffic.
  • Paid advertising: Consider running Facebook or Google ads to drive traffic to your sales page.
  • Collaborations: Partner with other influencers, bloggers, or businesses in your niche for cross-promotion.

7. Collect Reviews and Feedback

  • Ask your first customers or readers for feedback and reviews. Positive reviews will increase trust and improve conversion rates on platforms like Amazon.
  • Implement feedback to continuously improve your ebook quality or release updated versions.

8. Scale and Grow Your Business

Automate and systematize: Use email marketing funnels, automated ads, and content scheduling tools to reduce manual work and grow your audience.

Create more ebooks: Once you have a successful launch, create additional ebooks in similar or complementary niches to build a series.

Offer complementary products: You can sell workbooks, online courses, or memberships alongside your ebooks.

What You Need to Know About Internet Marketing

In short, Internet Marketing is the way that businesses develop relationships with customers over the Internet. Internet Marketing strategies, use advertising and marketing efforts that use the Web and email to drive traffic to your website in addition to sales leads from Web sites or emails! The Internet offers a lot of opportunities for a person with only a small advertising budget to do the majority of Internet marketing themselves, working with little or no money!

If you’re thinking about advertising on the Internet, keep in mind that many of the same rules that apply to other forms of advertising apply to electronic marketing. According to the Federal Trade Commission (FTC), their rules and guidelines protect businesses and consumers and help maintain the credibility of the Internet as an advertising medium. The following will give you an overview of some of the laws the FTC enforces.

Online Ads

The FTC Act prohibits unfair or deceptive advertising in any medium. When it comes to online ads, the basic principles of advertising law apply:




In interpreting Section 5 of the Act, the Commission has determined that a representation, omission or practice is deceptive if it is likely to:

-mislead consumers and affect consumer’s behavior or decisions about the product or service.

-In addition, an act or practice is unfair if the injury it causes or is likely to cause is: substantial not outweighed by other benefits and not reasonably avoidable.

-A claim can be misleading if relevant information is left out or if the claim implies something that is not true.

For example, a lease advertisement for an automobile that promotes $0 Down may be misleading if significant and undisclosed charges are due at lease signing.

-In addition, claims must be substantiated, especially when they concern health, safety, or performance.

-The type of evidence may depend on the product, the claims, and what experts believe necessary.

-If your ad specifies a certain level of support for a claim test show X you must have at least that level of support.

Sellers, Advertising Agencies or Website Designers and Catalog Marketers

-Sellers are responsible for the claims they make about their products and services.

-Third parties such as advertising agencies or website designers and catalog marketers also may be liable for making or disseminating deceptive representations, if they participate in the preparation or distribution of the advertising, or know about the deceptive claims.

Advertising Agencies

– Advertising agencies or website designers are responsible for reviewing the information used to substantiate ad claims. They may not simply rely on an advertiser’s assurance that the claims are substantiated.
In determining whether an ad agency should be held liable, the FTC looks at the extent of the agency’s participation in the preparation of the challenged ad, and whether the agency knew or should have known that the ad included false or deceptive claims

Selling Online

Catalog marketing is a sales technique used by businesses to group many items together in a printed piece or an online store.

-Most important, catalog marketers should trust their instincts when a product sounds too good to be true. To protect themselves, catalog marketers should ask for material to back up claims rather than repeat what the manufacturer says about the product. If the manufacturer doesn’t come forward with proof or turns over proof that looks questionable, the catalog marketer should see a yellow caution light and proceed appropriately, especially when it comes to extravagant performance claims, health or weight-loss promises, or earnings guarantees. When writing an ad copy, catalogers / online sellers or promoters should stick to claims that can be supported.

Online Disclaimers and Disclosures :

Although online commerce (including mobile and social media marketing) is booming, deception can dampen consumer confidence in the online marketplace. To ensure that products and services are described truthfully online and that consumers get what they pay for, the FTC continues to enforce its consumer protection laws. Most of the general principles of advertising law apply to online ads, but new issues arise almost as fast as technology develops.


A disclaimer is a statement in which a person says that they did not know about something or that they are not responsible for something. The company asserts in a disclaimer that it won’t be held responsible for the accuracy of information

-Disclaimers and disclosures must be clear and conspicuous. That is, consumers must be able to notice, read or hear, and understand the information. Still, a disclaimer or disclosure alone usually is not enough to remedy a false or deceptive claim.


The purpose of disclosure is to make available evidence which either supports or does not support claims about a particular product, service, or information.

-A disclosure is more effective if it is placed near the claim it qualifies for or other relevant information. Proximity increases the likelihood that consumers will see the disclosure and relate it to the relevant claim or product.

-For print ads, an advertiser might measure proximity in terms of whether the disclosure is placed adjacent to the claim, or whether it is separated from the claim by text or graphics. The same approach can be used for online ads.

-When advertisers are putting disclosures in a place where consumers might have to scroll in order to view them, they should use text or visual cues to encourage consumers to scroll and avoid formats that discourage scrolling. Text prompts can indicate that more information is available.

-An explicit instruction like “see below for important information on restocking fees” will alert consumers to scroll and look for the information. Dot Com Disclosures: Information About Online Advertising, provides additional information for online advertisers.

-Demonstrations must show how the product will perform under normal use.

-Refunds must be made to dissatisfied consumers if you promised to make them.

Advertising directed to children

Advertising directed to children raises special issues. That’s because children may have greater difficulty evaluating advertising claims and understanding the nature of the information you provide. Sellers should take special care not to misrepresent a product or its performance when advertising to children.

The Children’s Advertising Review Unit (CARU) of the Council of Better Business Bureaus has published specific guidelines for children’s advertising that you may find helpful.

Read the complete guide to Advertising and Marketing for small businesses.

social media

Social Media Marketing

Harness the power of social media to increase traffic and exposure for your business. Making social media a priority for your business will allow your business to: establish a stronger brand and boost sales!

You could be missing out on huge growth opportunities for your business if you are not using Social Media. Social media marketing is the use of social media platforms and websites to promote a product or service.

Although the terms e-marketing and digital marketing are still dominant in academia, social media marketing is becoming more popular for both practitioners and researchers.

Popular Social Media Marketing Sites

You’ll want to include at least one or two of the most popular social media channels in your Social Media Marketing strategy such as:

Facebook has more than 2 billion monthly active users, making it by far the most popular social media channel. Facebook is a social networking website where users can post comments, share photographs, and post links to news or other interesting content on the web, chat live, and watch short-form videos. You can even order food on Facebook if that’s what you want to do. Create pages and post regularly on Facebook to gain exposure for your business and brand.

LinkedIn is a social network that’s made specifically for businesses and professionals. It is an efficient tool for locating those who may contribute to the success of your business. LinkedIn allows you to: Have an online resume and business card where potential clients, customers, and joint venture partners can learn about you and your business and connect with you You can set up a personal profile and/or a company page. And you can also share content and publish articles directly on the platform, allowing it to serve as a sort of blog for your brand.

YouTube is the largest video platform with more than 1.8 billion active monthly users. You can create videos to promote your business. How to” videos are very popular on youtube. You can also embed videos on your website or other forms of content. YouTube also so offers the opportunity to make money with your videos if they become very popular.

.Twitter, one of the most popular social networking services in the world. Twitter is good for networking with customers, suppliers, and partners, it is a microblogging platform, which allows registered users to post, and send to short messages other registered users, These short messages are limited to 140 characters, which are called Tweets.
Relevant tweets may also appear at the top of search results, increasing your potential for organic reach.

Pinterest is a social media platform that lets users bookmark (pin) image-based content. It’s especially relevant for brands with strong visuals, including designers, bloggers, photographers, and eCommerce businesses.

Instagram is a free, online photo-sharing application and social network platform that was acquired by Facebook in 2012. Instagram allows users to edit and upload photos and short videos through a mobile app. It’s an option for consumer-facing businesses that create striking images, like fashion designers, interior decorators, and crafters. It’s also popular with teens and young adults.

Snapchat is a messaging app that lets users exchange pictures and videos (called snaps) that are meant to disappear after they’re viewed. It’s advertised as a “new type of camera” because the essential function is to take a picture or video, add filters, lenses or other effects and share them with friends or to broadcast it to their network.

SlideShare allows you to share slideshow presentations, infographics, and other documents to a large audience online. It’s owned by LinkedIn, so it’s easy to connect your LinkedIn account or share presentations with your audience on LinkedIn.

How To Discover Profitable Money-Making Ideas

The Internet is filled with millions of websites and almost any business idea you could think of. Some Internet business types are so common that the market is saturated and the competition is plentiful. But there is still hope!

How would you like to discover the ideal topics, products, or services for your business that people are actually searching for? Finding your Niche Market is the key, that will unlock the door to making money beyond your expectations!

To be successful you have to come up with a unique idea or a better solution to an idea already available online! Targeting a niche market is an ideal way to build a profitable business on the Internet, which requires less overall investment.

What is a Niche Market?

A niche market is the subset of the market on which a specific product is focused. The market niche defines as the product features aimed at satisfying specific market needs.

For example, there are all types of dolls and materials and methods used to make them, “dolls” is a small segment or niche of the toy manufacturing industry and the doll collectors industry. Instead of focusing on the Doll industry as a whole, you would build a profitable business on a small part of that industry, an example is handmade dolls. Handmade dolls are a small segment of the doll industry!

There are two important ingredients that go into finding your million-dollar niche market, it should be something you are passionate about! Your passion will keep you pumped up and energized through the ups and downs of the business. You will not want to give up so easily if it is something you are passionate about! And of course, it should be something you are knowledgeable about!

In the following example, Ms. Mary Flower-head (not a real person) researches the profit potential of her Niche business idea! Ms. Mary Flower-head is an ordinary person, just like you and I. She is a teacher by day and a hobbyist by night. Her hobby is making “handmade dolls” which she is passionate about!

One day an idea struck her so powerfully, that it almost blew her brains out! She could make and sell handmade dolls on the Internet, she thought! Ms. Mary Flower-head is actually targeting a niche market.

I think we all can agree that one of the biggest advantages of business is knowing what people want. Surveys are based on the idea of gathering information that would lead to the discovery of what people like and want.

Google Trends makes it easy to research what people are actually searching for. Simply put Google Trends- is a window into what people on the Internet want. It is a great tool for market research to identify topics to write about hot selling products and even services people are looking for.

GoogleTrends allows you to tap into Google’s database of searches. Google Search, shows how often a particular search term is entered relative to the total search volume across various regions of the world, and in various languages. To begin using Google Trends visit and enter into the search bar your desired niche business idea, topic, or product you want to sell.

In this example, I will enter handmade dolls. If there is enough interest in the search term “Handmade Dolls” Google Trends generates a report. The Google Trends report answers the following questions based on the search term entered:

The interest Over time in Handmade Dolls, by default the past 12 months is selected you can select a different time period by clicking on the drop-down arrow. If you run your mouse over the peaks in the chart you will be able to see which months have the highest interest.

Listed below, Interest by subregion answers the question of which regional areas have the most Internet users searching for handmade dolls, listed by the state. In the chart below you can see that treading right now people from the New Your State area have a big interest in handmade dolls.

Scrolling down the page under the related queries which means they are showing up for the first time. A lot of people are searching for this particular query at this time you can see Waldorf dolls are trending.

In The Related topics Section, you get an upfront advantage of knowing what related topics people are searching for. Knowing what people are interested in and searching for can trigger solid business ideas.

Is it a Profitable Business Idea?

The next step is to research the competition. Internet competition is a key factor in determining if an Internet Business idea has the potential to be profitable. Million-dollar niche ideas will be the ones with little to no competition.

We will turn to for the answer. is considered the top search engine used by millions to search the Internet.

Armed with all the information gathered on possible niche business ideas, topics to write about, and or products to sell enter your search term into the search engine. In my example, I will enter Handmade Dolls. Below you can see there’s a lot of competition for Handmade Dolls 97,900,000.

Keep in mind that a potentially profitable business idea will be the niche market idea that people are searching for, that has little or no competition on the Internet.

Continue to use this method, until you find your niche business idea that people are searching for that has low competition. Try experimenting with various search terms related to your niche idea. The lower the competition the greater the success rate!

On the Google Home Trends home page you’ll see the popular topics people are talking about. Google provides you with a list of all the hot topics and it’s a good way to stay informed about what the internet is talking about.


Common Work-at-Home Scams

Beware of work at home opportunities that sound too good to be true they usually are. A legitimate job shouldn’t ask you for any money to get started, some may require you to pay a small fee for a background check.  Even with a background check, you should not expect to pay any more than $30 or $40.00 give or take.

You may also be required to have or purchase certain products needed to run the business from your home. If the company you would like to work for is looking for you to purchase items from them other than a background check, to start a job with them,  I would look elsewhere, it sounds like a scam, run.

Some popular scams.

  • Internet businesses. You’re told you can earn thousands of dollars a month starting your own internet business. The company says that no experience is necessary because they have experts to coach you. You’re pressured to pay for the opportunity right away. Once you pay, the company says you won’t succeed unless you pay for more pricey services. Many people who pay for these “businesses” are left with a lot of debt and not much else
  • Envelope stuffing.
    Promoters advertise that for a “small” fee, they’ll tell you how to earn big money stuffing envelopes at home. After paying the fee, you find out there is no work. Instead, you’ll receive a letter telling you to get other people to buy the same envelope-stuffing opportunity or some other product. You’ll earn money only if those people respond the same way you did. But the promoters rarely pay.
  • Mystery shopping.
    Ads for mystery shoppers say they want people who are willing to shop at certain stores or dine at certain restaurants, and then report on their experience in exchange for money. To begin, you must register and pay a fee. Often, your first job is to evaluate the effectiveness of a money transfer service. You will unknowingly be given a fake check, told to deposit it in your bank account, withdraw the same amount in cash, and send it by wire transfer to a third party. The check will bounce and you will be on the hook for the full amount.
  • Rebate processing.
     An ad or email claims you can earn big money by helping to process rebates. The fee for training, certification, or registration is nothing compared to what you’ll supposedly earn processing rebates from home. What you get is poorly written and useless training material. There are no rebates to process and few people ever make any money.
  • Medical billing.
    The ads promise a substantial income for full- or part-time work processing medical claims electronically – no experience needed. When you call the toll-free number, a sales representative tells you doctors are eager for help. In exchange for your investment of hundreds or thousands of dollars, the representative says you’ll be provided everything needed to launch your business. Few customers who pay for medical billing opportunities ever find clients or make money.

Tips on How to Avoid Work-at-Home Scams

It’s not always easy to figure out if a company is legitimate. Try these five essential tips from the Attorney General of the State of New York:

  1. Check with the Better Business Bureau in your area and the area in which the company is located.
  2. Ask questions, including what specific tasks you’ll have to perform; whether you will be paid by salary or commission; and who will pay you. Also, ask about the total cost to you, including supplies and equipment.
  3. Be wary of overstated claims of product effectiveness, exaggerated claims of potential earnings, and demands that you pay for something before instructions or products are provided.
  4. Be wary of personal testimonials that never actually identify the person so you can’t investigate further.
  5. Contact your state Attorney General’s consumer helpline if you believe you’ve been victimized by a work-at-home scheme.

Affiliate Marketing

Make money recommending vendor’s products! Affiliate Marketing AKA PERFORMANCE MARKETING is the single fastest-growing industry on the Internet. It’s also true that affiliate marketing is one of the most creative ways to make money and have a career on the Internet.

Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate Marketing is also known as revenue sharing, Affiliate marketing involves an online merchant (someone with a product or service to sell) and you as the Affiliate or web publisher.

Any company on the Internet with a product to sell can offer an affiliate program. Most if not all big-name companies online offer an affiliate program.

It is free to join and is a partnership between you and the business owner with a product or service to sell. An affiliate pays you a commission for sending traffic:  potential customers to their website. When a visitor clicks on an ad you posted on behalf of the business owner, and visits the business owner’s site, and makes a purchase you make a commission.

How much you would earn depends on the affiliate’s contract agreement. In some cases even if the visitor from your site did not make a purchase the same day of the visit, you could still earn a commission if they go back 30 days later and made a purchase.

As a member of an affiliate program, you will have access to the Affiliate Companies:

Banner ads, Product ads, Coupon Codes, and Deals banners, and in some cases based on approval, their data feed files.

Different Ways To Enter Into Affiliate Marketing:

There are different ways to make money in affiliate marketing , the purpose is the same, to make money for the affiliate and earn you a commission.

1. Content Publishers

Content publishers publish web content such as news, gossip, entertainment, sports, lifestyle articles, etc. Bloggers are content publishers who write articles about any subjects they have knowledge of. Facebook and forums are user-generated content publishers meaning their content is normally created by their users. They make money by posting affiliate banners and coupon deals. Besides affiliate marketing, content publishers can make money with the following popular money-making programs.

Pay Per Click Programs with Pay Per Click programs you make money when someone clicks on an ad or link you post. As a member of Google Adsense, Google will give you a code to post on your blog or website which will produce links to articles and/or ads based on your website or blog theme topic. When someone clicks on an ad or the link you post you make money.

Pay Per Impression with Pay Per Impression you would post Cost per Impression (CPM) ads on your site and when a visitor to your site sees an advertiser’s ad posted on your site you make money. No purchase is necessary. You would need a lot of visitors to make any substantial money with this type of program.

Sponsored ads and ad space
When your blog or website becomes popular generating substantial visitors to your site, you can sell ad space and possibly get paid sponsors for your site.

2. Coupon Affiliates

It is a known fact that the average person loves a bargain! It is no wonder Coupon or Deal sites are some of the most popular types of affiliate sites on the Internet.
Coupon Affiliates offer coupons or discount codes to their users and earn commissions on any sales that result from someone clicking through one of their coupon links to a merchant’s site and makes a purchase.

3. Data Feeds Affiliates

Data Feed affiliates use data feed files to upload and display their affiliate’s products on a website or blog. Comparison shopping sites are an example of sites using data feeds. If you visit a comparison shopping site in search of computers you will see various companies offering computers such as Walmart and and many more listed in the results, these products would be linked through affiliate links.

4. Email Affiliate

Some email affiliates put out newsletters or collect an email list and send out regular emails full of their affiliate links and banners. Working with email affiliates can be risky, especially if they’re not CAN-SPAM compliant. The CANSPAM Act establishes requirements for commercial messages, gives recipients the right to have you stop emailing them, and spells out tough penalties for violations. … That means all emails – for example, a message to former customers announcing a new product line – must comply with the law. To learn more about email marketing check out our post on email marketing.

5. Loyalty and Incentives Affiliates.

These affiliates would offer an incentive, say, cash back or points or virtual currency.  They will share a part of their payout, a part of the payment received from the affiliate merchant. Cashback offers, donations to charitable organizations, and contributions to scholarship funds are by far the most popular forms of incentives used by this type of affiliate.

6. Mobile and Pay Per Call Affiliates

Mobile affiliates focus on mobile marketing or pay-per-call marketing specifically. Certain sites build affiliate links to their apps. That goes for coupons or data feed sites that have an app, but it also goes for standalone apps themselves.  Popular apps like Pandora use affiliate links to send users to Apple’s iTunes Store.

7. Social Media Affiliates

Social media affiliates use social media channels to market the merchant’s products that they promote.

8. Video Affiliates

Video marketing is a type of commission-based marketing. These would be affiliates that focus on video creatives, which are known to yield higher conversion rates. Affiliate video marketing is a type of commission-based marketing that is managed by affiliates. These affiliates create videos to endorse products and services for a specific business.

Working through an affiliate network offering videos to their affiliates you can select the Videos you want to promote. Using tracking software the merchant company can tell if someone clicked on the advertised product and made a purchase you would get a commission.

How To Publish A Website

It takes only 3 simple steps to set up a website online!

1. Choose a Domain Name:

A Domain is a user-friendly string of characters that can be used to access a site on the internet. The domain name is the web address of your online business, for example,, it is the way visitors enter your website, is a domain name. A domain name registration is a requirement of every website owner.

2. Purchase a Hosting Plan

A Web hosting service is a service that runs Internet servers, allowing organizations and individuals to serve content to the Internet. A hosting company provides the space you need on the Internet to publish your website or install your Website Building Application such as WordPress. When you purchase a hosting plan you are in complete control over your business on the Internet. How to choose a hosting company.

3. Publish Your Website

Once your website has been created and published it will be live on the Internet and reachable through your domain name. Anyone will be able to reach your new site by entering your domain name into a web browser.

Build Your Website for Free

Building your own website can give you complete freedom and control over your web business on the Internet. Using free Web Building Applications can save your thousands of dollars!

Build Your Own Online Store And Save A Bundle

Build Your Own Store With WordPress E-commerce. Choosing the right e commerce platform can be a challenge . With numerous options available, each boasting unique features and benefits, it’s essential to select a platform that not only meets your current needs but also scales with your business growth and budget.

WooCommerce –is a powerhouse e-commerce solution built on the robust foundation of WordPress. WooCommerce stands out as the ultimate choice for anyone looking to establish or enhance their online store without breaking the bank..

When comparing WooCommerce to Shopify or Square space a popular choice among entrepreneurs, WooCommerce is an attractive choice due to:

  1. Cost-effectiveness: WooCommerce is an open-source platform, meaning the core plugin is free to use. you have more control over your budget since you can select from a wide range of free and premium themes and extensions based on your needs and financial constraints. Your full startup cost can be as low as $40.00 or less for the first year.
  2. No transaction fees: Unlike Shopify, which charges transaction fees for each sale made through third-party payment gateways if you don’t use Shopify Payments, WooCommerce doesn’t impose any additional transaction fees. This can lead to significant savings, especially for small businesses with tight profit margins or for businesses just starting out.
  3. Flexibility and customization: WooCommerce offers unparalleled flexibility and customization options, allowing you to tailor your online store to your exact specifications without being confined to preset templates or restrictive design options. With access to thousands of themes and plugins, you can create a unique and personalized shopping experience for your customers without breaking the bank.
  4. Integration with WordPress: If you’re already familiar with WordPress, using WooCommerce is a natural extension of your existing skill set. You can leverage your knowledge of WordPress to manage your e-commerce store seamlessly, eliminating the need to learn a new platform from scratch and potentially saving on training or onboarding costs. While you don’t have to have full knowledge of WordPress to use Woocommerce to setup you own online store.
  5. Scalability: While Squarespace may be suitable for small businesses starting out, WooCommerce offers superior scalability, allowing you to expand your store and add new features as your business grows. With features like inventory management, order tracking, and comprehensive reporting, you can scale your operations without outgrowing your e-commerce platform.
  6. SEO-friendly: By optimizing your store for search engines, you can improve your visibility and attract more organic traffic, reducing your reliance on paid advertising and maximizing your return on investment. WooCommerce is inherently SEO-friendly, offering features like customizable permalinks, product schema markup, and integration with popular SEO plugins like Yoast SEO.
  7. Community support: As an open-source platform, WooCommerce benefits from a vast community of developers, designers, and users who contribute to its ongoing development and provide support through forums, documentation, and online resources. This community-driven approach ensures that help is readily available whenever you encounter issues or need assistance, reducing the need for expensive third-party support services.

Free e-Learning Applications

eLearning offers courses that are specifically delivered via the internet to somewhere other than the classroom where the professor is teaching also referred to as distance learning. eLearning utilizes electronic technologies to access educational curriculum outside of a traditional classroom.  In most cases, it refers to a course, program, or degree delivered completely online. Set up your own online school with free e-learning software:


Moodle is a Course Management System (CMS), also known as a Learning Management System (LMS) or a Virtual Learning Environment (VLE). It is a Free web application that educators can use to create effective online learning sites. Moodle is used for blended learning, distance education, flipped classrooms, and other e-learning projects in schools, universities, workplaces, and other sectors. Moodle is used by a variety of institutions and individuals, including Universities. High schools. Primary schools. Government departments. Healthcare organizations. Military organizations. Airlines.

Set up own online courses, Provide documents, Graded assignments, Quizzes, Discussion forums, Live Chat, Accept Payments quickly and easily, Add Google Adsense for extra revenue and so much more


Chamilo is an open-source course management application. Chamilo is currently used by more than 3.5 million students and teachers

Chamilo aims at bringing you the best e-learning and collaboration platform in the open source world. Chamilo is also a brand owned by the Chamilo Association, which makes it possible for many companies to build on the name of the product with very low risk. The trademark is not and will never be owned by a single trademark holder.


  • Easy creation of educational content
  • Tracking of users results, allowing for methodology improvements
  • Clean interface, letting user focus on learning
  • Synchronous and asynchronous communication channels
  • Many tools allowing for all learning types (visual, auditive, practical, serious games, staff selection)
  • Extensive documents management capabilities

Free Social Network Application Facebook Like

Social networking sites are online communities where people can interact with friends, family, coworkers, acquaintances, and others with similar interests. Most social networking sites are Web-based and provide many ways for their users to interact, such as chat, messaging, email, video, voice chat, file-sharing, blogging, and discussion groups. Social networking sites provide an immediate and personal way to deliver programs, products, and information to individuals or friends within your personal network. Examples of social networks are Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest, and Instagram. Build your own social network with free social networking software.


Elgg Social Networking Software is an award-winning open-source social networking engine that provides a robust framework on which to build all kinds of social environments, from a campus-wide social network for your university, school, or college or an internal collaborative platform for your organization through to a brand-building communications tool for your company and its clients. Elgg was voted the best open source social networking platform in 2008.

It has been used to build all kinds of social apps:

  • open networks (similar to Facebook)
  • topical (like the Elgg Community)
  • private/corporate intranets
  • dating
  • educational
  • company blog
  • Well-documented core API that allows developers to kick start their new project with a simple learning curve
  • Groups – out of the box support for user groups
  • File storage powered by flexible API that allows plugins to store user-generated files and serve/stream them without booting the engine
  • Notifications service that allows applications to subscribe users to on-site and email notifications and implement integrations with other their-party services
  • RPC web services that can be used for complex integrations with external applications and mobile clients
  • Elgg community that can help with any arising issues and hosts a repository of 1000+ open-source plugins